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and go to "Manage Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard??3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.??4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in.??5. Click "S BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Rasanya ingin menangis tapi masih pantaskah aku menangisi semuanya.
Satu sifat buruk yang ingin aku rubah namun masih tetap melekat.
Aku selalu tak bisa menyembunyikan ketidaksukaanku pada seseorang. Jika tak suka, aku akan berperilaku seperti layaknya orang yang tak suka, bukan berpura-pura manis namun hati dongkol.
Aku kadang terlalu susah untuk memaafkan apalagi dengan orang-orang yang awalnya aku percaya.

Berawal dari kehilangan sesuatu, berlanjut sampai kebohongan-kebohongan hingga tingkah lakunya yang sedikit banyak menguras isi dompetku sampai akhirnya memuncak ketika aku membutuhkan namun hilang begitu saja.

Aku terlanjur berkata kasar padanya, mengungkapkan kemarahanku padanya hingga akhirnya emosi dan emosipun terpadu.
Saat emosi menguasai semua otakku, aku tak memikirkan lagi kebaikan, yang penuh diotak ini hanyalah semua keburukan tentangnya.
Semuanya telah terjadi dan kini aku kehilangan satu diantara teman.
Mungkin ini terbaik, jalani kehidupan masing-masing.
Terima kasih untuk semua dan maaf untuk semua yang menyakitkan.



Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Udah lama nih aku nggak ngasih catatan di blog ini dan akhirnya sekarang aku kasih postingan lagi.
How's your life dear ?
Ada 2 hal yang membuat aku BAHAGIA :)
That is about my boyfriend and the result of my examination..

Who is HIM ?
HIS name is DEBY JULIAN, and he is my beloved BOYFRIEND ♥
♥ 27 JANUARI 2010 until MY LAST BREATH (Amien ya ALLAH) ♥
I can't say anything but I REALLY LOVE HIM.

Bukan hanya itu yang membuat aku BAHAGIA.
Nilai semester  1 ini cukup MEMUASKAN karena saya memperoleh IP 3.57 TANPA nilai C..
I can make my parents be PROUD with me and HOPE always like that. Amien ya Rabb.


Monday, September 21, 2009

What is LOVE ?

In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster
But in front of the person you like, you get happy
In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring
But in front of the person you like, winter is just beautiful winter

If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush
But if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile
In front of the person you love, you can’t everything on your mind
But in front of the person you like, you can
In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy
But in front of the person you like, you can show your own self
The person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes
You can’t look straight into the eyes of the one you love
But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like
When the one you love is crying, you cry with them
But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting

The feeling of love starts from the eye
And the feeling of like starts from the ear

So if you stop liking a person you used to like,
All you need to do is cover your ears
But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a drop of tear
And remains in your heart forever after

You never lose by loving
You always love by holding back

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Sebelas bulan Kita kejar dunia,

Kita umbar napsu angkara.

Sebulan penuh Kita gelar puasa,
Kita bakar segala dosa.

Sebelas bulan Kita sebar dengki dan prasangka,
Sebulan penuh Kita tebar kasih sayang sesama.

Dua belas bulan Kita berinteraksi penuh salah dan khilaf.
Di Hari suci nan Fitri ini, Kita cuci hati, Kita buka pintu maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri 1430 H, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

-Ssi Beo Cerewed ('WYE' Dwi Puji Rahayu) & KELUARGA-

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If love was a bird
Then we wouldn't have wings

If love was a sky
We'd be blue
If love was a choir
You and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you

If love was an Oscar
You and I could never win
Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible
Then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts
So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

If love was a fire
Then we have lost the spark
Love never felt so cold
If love was a light
Then we're lost in the dark
Left with no one to hold

If love was a sport
We're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean
Then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you

Boy I know we had some good times
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
Boy you know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry
It's killing me so, why don't you go

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

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